Get Active

Being physical active can reduce pain, improve function, lift your mood thanks to the endorphin release and im prove your quality of life. Your physiotherapist can work with you to find an exercise program best suited to your needs.

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Fun Fact Friday

The largest bone in the human body is the femur, also known as the thigh bone. The smalles bone is the stapes bone, which is located inside your eardrum.

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Mental Health Matters

Recently the importance of mental health has been a hot topic. Mental health problems can result from the interaction between physical, social, psychological, and environmental factors. [foogallery id=”1376″]

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Carpel Tunnel Syndeome

Carpel tunnel Syndrome is an entrapment neuropathy caused by compression of the median nerve as it travels through the wrist’s carpel tunnel

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Exercise effects on cardiovascular disease

Cardiovascular (CV) disease (CVD) remains the leading cause of major morbidity and CVD- and all-cause mortality in most of the world. It is now clear that regular physical activity (PA) and exercise training (ET) induces a wide range of direct…

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Exercise Tips

Exercise Regularly Staying Physically fit improves cardiovascular and muscle health and helps fight disease.

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Prostate Problems

Prostate Problems The most common cause of male urinary inconsistence is due to prostate removal following either an enlarged or a prostate cancer diagnosis. When teh prostate is removed a common side effect is that of urinary incontinence. This means…

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The Word Muscle

The word “muscle” comes from a Latin term meaning “little mouse”, which is what ancient romans thought flexed bicep muscles resembled

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Pounding Headaches

Pounding Headaches Can physiotherapy help with this? Yes! Headaches can be caused by the muscles of the scalp and neck contracting. This is very often a response to stress, depression, and anxiety. Your physiotherapist can help by working on the…

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Ladies Exercise Classes

Ladies Exercise Classes We can also help with: Sports injuries Muscle strains Joint pains Neck and back problems Pre and post-operative orthopedic conditions Rehabilitation post injury Headaches Sinus and chest conditions Strapping

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